5 Worst Skincare Habit


 This blog is about our worst skincare habits that destroy our skin barrier, skin health and made our  skin extremely damaged. so, it's important to know about how we care our skin, which products suit on our skin or how we used it. There are hundreds or thousands of our bad habits that we unknow fully do or we have no idea how it  badly damaged our skin our health.

5 bad skin habits that you need to stop right now because it's absolutely destroy your skin. We've scouted the internet and what bad skincare habit  that we do that destroy our skin

#1 Mistake:  Over-Exfoliating

Exfoliating is the process of unclogging your pores and removing dead skin cells from your skin, however to keep your skin ideal you should not over exfoliate. You can exfoliate using either a physical exfoliator something like a scrub or a chemical exfoliator maybe something like a toner however over exfoliating will actually damage your skin so what are the bad effects of that over exfoliating can do to your skin?

                First of all you can actually over exfoliate your skin leading to microtears in your skin. It can thin up your skin barrier whereby when you have an unhealthy or very thin skin barrier you're gonna have sensitive skin.

#2 Mistake: Sleeping with makeup on

Bad skincare habit that you definitely should break is sleeping with your makeup on most of the makeup  are made of fine powder which sits very nicely on your skin however most makeup is made of powder and as well as artificial coloring and artificial fragrance it means if it sits on your skin for to long a period you can actually clog your pores and it make your skin extra sensitive that's why at end of days you need to wash your skin clean up the makeup before you go to the bed and I understand sometimes you might be tired or sometimes you might have forgotten to remove the makeup however if you do not remove your makeup there is a lot of damage on your skin so always keep either micellar water, oil cleanser to wash it off.

#3 Mistake: Drink insufficient water

A lot of people do it do not drink sufficient water keeping your skin healthy and a lot of times that we think that hydrating your skin means only apply products or skincare on your skin  do not forget that skin care product can only penetrate after a certain layer in your skin that deep layer of your skin you need to drink sufficient water. Now the more water you drink the plumper the skin cells get and hence the healthier your skin becomes how much water are you supposed to drink?

                   Really depends on the conditions that you're living working in and the environment that you're in generally most humans meet between 2 to 3 liters of clean drinking water everyday and do not worry if you drink more than 2 or 3 liters your body is just going to purge out the excess water through your urine.

#4 Mistake: Not changing your towels

Now you use any kind of cleanser or body soap to wash your face but if you're drying your face and your skin using a dirty body towel rest assured there's going to be a lot of bacteria and germs stuck on your skin now a dirty towel can lead to multiple issues like body acne or facial acne or even fungal infections.

One way is always to make sure that you change boiling your towel very frequently and in some cases you might want to change it every 2-3 days and you should never use the body towel for your face hence you should  a clean face towel right beside your skin and tat ladies and gentlemen should be even more regularly roughly once a day.

#5 Mistake: Stop touching your face so often

The worst habit is to stop touching your face so often many  times we will touch our face unconsciously and the research that shows that we actually touch our face up to 200 times per day even through a lot of times you might mentally want to consciously avoid touching your face with your hands a lot of times is unavoidable the only way that you should do  is make sure every time you touch something dirty you wash your hands.

 Whenever you're coming out of the bathroom you always clean your hands beforehand and since keep some sort of hand sanitizer sanitize your hands regularly. So you can minimize the amount of germs that are stuck down your fingers so that you can avoid the accidental transfer to your face

It's always up to us to look what mistakes we unknow fully do and we might never notices these little mistakes, so makes sure to take care of our skin .

                                                   Thank You

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  1. We often touch our faces the biggest mistake we do 🙂

  2. need to be careful so i get my dreamy flawless skin

  3. This is such a timely topic! I didn't realize how often I touch my face until I started paying attention to, especially with phones and screens where it's easy to lean on your hands

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