''Dark Side of Beauty: Forever Chemical PFAS in Cosmetics''


Dr: Abby Haward Dermatologists Doctor narrate this,  is most important information about our skin care or cosmetic products that contain those harmful chemicals that's the reason of our  deadfall health diseases.

so, let's start and talk about this chemical.

One product that  never use as a consumer on a skin is a Water proof mascara, don't use waterproof mascara at all or makeup at all that's because 80% of waterproof mascara and 60% of long lasting makeup including eyeliner, foundations, eyeshadows, palettes contained Forever Chemical PFAS.

Now the question is  What it's PFAS? What it does to you? How we identify it? and How we protect themselves from it?

PFAS stands for per and poly floral alkali substances and these have been linked to obesity, infertility, even cancer. PFAS peapods are a group of of man made chemicals and they are used to make things waterproof and long lasting.

In cosmetics and skin care industry PFAS is added to make things shinny, to improve texture of product that you're putting on and to make cosmetics waterproof and long lasting.

PFAS forever chemicals because they breakdown very slowly or not at all so they really can accumulate over time in body. PFAS linked to various medical conditions including obesity, hormonals disruption or cancer and there are outgoing studies evaluating PFAS role and other broad rage of cancer: so, these chemicals all around us everywhere.

It's important because you have choice about what you put on your skin , you have choice between those product that contain PFAS and those are not then you're not only making a decision that protecting yourself and lowering your daily exposure.

If you using waterproof mascara in a event that's  like having one cigrette  on your entire life it's really like a drop  in the ocean it's probably not gonna have any effect but a lot of times these products on eyes and mouth and skin we're using  them every day little bits getting in our mouths when we eat food and you know half that lipstick is getting inside your body, lets be honest

So, whereas PFAS doesn't really absorb too well in the actual skin the sites worry about most really are sites of mucosa like a eyelid margin and lips because those do absorb much more readily and more likely that you're actually going to ingest some of that PFAS.

 We know hat PFAS has been linked to many different medicals problems but some excers  might say well  that it's little bit that you're getting via your cosmetic doing  you any harm and there's little research out there to really show how much you may be getting exposed from your cosmetics.

US Government is worried enough  about PFAS in cosmetics and it's going to be over in 3y's so will be out in 2025 or so and a lots  of cosmetics company are already getting message and they're phasing out PFAS. European Union along with Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Denmark is already phasing

How To Identifying These Toxic Chemicals?

Easier thing to do first just check on this list to see if there're any of products that you're already using that have been identified as containing PFAS

PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)

Perfluorooctyl triethoxysilane

Perfluoro nonyl dimethicone

Perfluoro decalin

Perfluoro hexane

Next step to go through your makeup and actually check to see if any of ingredients are PTFE. So, it makes it really tricky found out that THRIVE Mascara, YSL Lip-gloss are PFAS free.

2022 United State food and drug administration  passed modernization of cosmetic regulation and this increase FDA oversight and transparency of cosmetic step so this will make allots easier to quickly identify these chemicals to increase transparency and you won't have to do down what is in skincare and cosmetics that you're putting on your face

1. Research brands, that prioritize transparency 

2. Check Certification so that so narrows down your option so that you know that's what you're selecting

3. Option for natural and organic option(you can just switch to an organic skincare brands which are less likely to contain PFAS.

As consumers i'do think it's crucial for us to be aware of potential hazards of using PFAS in our skincare by staying informed and supporting transparent brands making conscious choices, think we can reduce our exposure to these harmful chemicals and to encourage cosmetic industry to prioritize safer alternatives.

                                                                           Thank You

I hope it's helpful for you to pick our skincare or cosmetic product free from PFAS.


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